Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Inspiration of the Week

    My first natural Inspiration presented on my blog is my Aunt Faith! She has been natural for very long time. She was bold enough to venture into a territory that some people would think is almost forbidden for women. I have always found it very beautiful, but I sure didn't have the guts to do it.
    When I first thought about going natural she would be the first person that would pop in my mind and give me that extra motivation to over come whatever "fear" I had of loosing the straight hair and excepting the hair that actually grew out of my scalp. Through this interview I have learned that she totally loves to be free! 
Such a GREAT inspiration!

1. Tell us about yourself?
"I am a 45 year old Teacher".

2. When and why did you decide become natural?
"Been natural on and off all my life. But completely natural since 1999. I always liked the natural look but tried everything else that was in. Really, really wanted dreads but nixed that idea when I realized it was as much work as others styles. I like the look and feel of natural hair and the ease of care. That's probably the most important factor...EASE..I can go to the pool, beach, get wet in the rain, and sweat without worrying. Just wash and go. I love it. Getting out of the house in the mornings is a breeze. I would much rather sleep for an extra 30 minutes than worry about hair.

3. Anyone inspire you?
"Didn't really have anyone who inspired me. When I started no one was really doing it. I did get my first haircut from my sister-in-law who has always been natural so I guess she is kind of an inspiration."

4. In what ways has going natural affected you? 
"I get a lot more compliments about my hair now then I did with other hairstyles. Most people love it and I've been told I look exotic and people always ask me what country I'm from. Interestingly, the only negative comments I've had are from African Americans. I've had my share of..."check out the bald headed or nappy headed chick".. along with stares and laughter. but I think most of the negativity is because of their own insecurities. I am quite comfortable with it."

5. How would you describe your hair?
"My hair is very short and course. I keep it short because I don't want anything that requires to much work."

6. What is your regiment? 
" My regiment is very simple. Wash often, almost everyday. Condition and use some sort of moisturizer. I don't have particular one. Right now I'm using one from Africa's Best.

7. What mistakes have you made with your hair that you have learned from? "
 I don't think I've made mistakes per se. I'm glad I tried all the styles out there because now I can be comfortable with what I have chosen and know its what suits me best."

8. What would you tell those that are thinking or newly natural? (one piece of advice)
"My best piece of advice would be to be true to yourself. Do it for you and only if you are comfortable with it."

Big Thanks to my Aunt for the great interview!

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